Leadership Choices - Why Choose Us?


As one of Europe's leading organizations in the field of resilience, Leadership Choices has developed the FiRE Model and the Resilience Roadmap, a unique tool that methodically breaks down the protective and risk factors of individual resilience. While resilience has gained public prominence, particularly in the wake of the COVID pandemic, it has been a core competency of Leadership Choices for over a decade. The wealth of experience we have gained working with international leaders from all sectors, sizes of organizations and social sectors allows us to continually develop and refine our methodologyLeadership Choices has a community of 150 coaches in 10 different countries who are constantly generating new insights from the world of leaders and how they deal with challenges. So, if you want to build resilience, use our experience and strong community to optimize your development.  

What helped me was that there were a lot of good tips for everyday life. As someone said, it wasn't just a seminar for work, but for life.


Resilience in Its Purest Form:

The FiRE- Model 


Resilience is complex and requires a highly methodical approach. That is why at Leadership Choices we have developed the FiRE model - a model for analyzing the "Factors improving Resilience Effectiveness®". It breaks down resilience into eight factors such as energy management, personality or mental agility. Both fixed and modifiable personality traits are included to provide a detailed map of your resilience and highlight areas for improvement.  

Book here!  Resilience Journey

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Binding Booking - Resilience Journey

Leadership Choices Academy

There is more to discover!

If this product wasn't the right fit for you, explore further in our Academy. Our Academy offerings are designed to complement each other, starting from the initial step of a resilience journey and self-reflection, all the way to coaching training, empowering you to inspire others to delve into topics related to resilience.