Management Team
At Leadership Choices we believe in the concept of meritocracy. That means that incumbents for key leadership positions are selected based on their talent, effort, and achievement and not based on their status or their level of ownership of the firm. The role of the Management Team of Leadership Choices is twofold. On the one side it aims to develop the organization strategically to maximize its resilience. On the other hand, it takes care of keeping the company healthy and afloat from an operational perspective. The Management Team consists of the Managing Partners who are supported by highly respected key individuals who constantly help develop significant parts of our organization.
Uwe Achterholt
Managing Partner
Karsten Drath
Managing Partner
Rachel Decker
Use your About page to help your visitors learn more about you. We all know that people do business with people, not companies. So tell them a little bit more about yourself as a person. Include profiles of your management team. Upload images so that folks will recognize you at conferences and events. Hey. It's not exactly rocket science. But it works.
Dr. Holger Karsten
Senior Partner
Swaan Barrett
Petra Lewe
Friedemann Derndinger
Marua Menkari
Finance & Operations Manager