How to use the professional side track to reboot your career

Executives often fall - after several years in the same position - internally sidelined and wait there for too long (for different reasons) before actively seeking the confrontation with their employer. The result: Most executives come to the conclusion that they should have tackled this issue much earlier.

Why is that so, and what can leaders do better?

Typically, executives are subject to continuous physical and psychological pressure. The fact that their working and daily routine is mostly determined by others often leads to a progressive self-alienation. Consequently, the executive often loses sight of his own objectives and needs. He also becomes less self-aware of his strengths and weaknesses. Along with the loss of connection to their inner-self comes the loss of the connection with the environment, supervisor and colleagues - and thus a lack of awareness of trouble spots of conflicts or weaknesses.

The manager lives and works within a so-called “tunnel vision”, which obscures the view on options beyond the routine scope of action. The unsatisfactory old work situation persists, while potentially more attractive and promising personal growth opportunities remain untapped. Besides the lack of a fresh look on the own situation the executive often lacks the power to change and the courage to get into the action. Undertaking a first step to escape from his predicament is often perceived impossible simply due to the mere lack of resources.

To break with this downward spiral on your own is often impossible.

Thus it might be helpful to hire an executive coach who will act as an advocate of his own interests, help to break the counterproductive pattern, regain a higher energy level and recover self-efficacy.

With a rigorous follow up on his own interests and sources of power and motivation the executive is quickly back on his on track and able to determine attractive next steps for personal and professional growth.

In addition to crisis and personal growth management the executive is enabled to make coaching part of his personal and his team’s work and career development routine, with the aim to detect critical situations early on and proactively prevent them from developing. This includes a proactive clarification of roles and responsibilities as well as the identification and treatment of potential weak spots and friction points, before they become a personal obstacle to growth.

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